Welcome to Workplace Performance Skills.

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Regardless of your Workplace Performance Skills credentials and how you think you are currently positioned in the workplace or what job or industry you may be considering beginning work,
This learning is for YOU!
Everyone who completes this short course will learn:
• about the skills for the future of work and.
• how they can develop your workplace confidence and achievement.
• how to be happy and empowered performing a job role.

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The time is up status quo thinking because it is not supporting people in job roles or helping organisations create the environment for people to be empowered to self-manage their job performance to produce quality work, productively.

People learn on the job however there is no method for organisations to document, communicate and reward performances that match job expectations. This brings about high levels of confusion, discontentment, and low levels of workforce engagement in

Attending Educational institutions, seeking training opportunities or attending training courses is a small contributor to life learning and productivity of the Australian Workforce.
Adult learning: Adults want to know why they should learn. Adults are motivated to put time and energy into learning if they know the benefits of learning and the costs of not.
Malcolm S Knowles.


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Course Content

Skills Utilisation in the Context of the Workplace
Just like any other resources the possession of skills does not provide any benefits unless put to use. Experience, education and training can enable the acquisition of skills however if any value is to be added they must be applied in the workplace. Hence skills utilisation is important to many different stakeholders. It is important to government because of the impact on the economy and the perceived need to demonstrate a return on investment in education and training. Skills utilisation forms the vital link between skills acquisition and productivity. In much the same way, employers and individual employees have an interest in achieving impact through skills utilisation and a return on investment in developing them. It is the ways in which organisations use their skills that make them competitive, rather than simply the skills that they have available.

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The importance of knowing job skills
Work is iike golf. People can learn to play the game of golf to a level of performance that they wish to achieve. Performing a job is no different. People may elect to stay in a job that is not seen to be very complex however it is what they want. What is important that, like golf, is to repsect the skills required for the job.

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