About Us

"Our Mission"

“Empowering individuals, optimising systems, and redefining workforce productivity.”

About Us

“Persevered for 50 Years”

At MYSKILLSmanager, we’ve developed the cloud-based Integrated Safety, Leadership, Quality, and Qualification (ISLQ2) framework to break down silos, recognise skills, and drive productivity.

Our thinking established the “Workplace Field of Influence and Control” to counteract the long-standing “Educational Circle of Influence and Control”.

1983 was the beginning of relevance – internet.

About MYSKILLSmanager

Co-Founders David Greentree and Ian Cox developed MYSKILLSmanager based on career learning experiences covering more than forty years. It involved working constantly to empower workers with the skills, knowledge and confidence to do quality work. These efforts have culminated in the MYSKILLSmanager “HR Peformance Framework”.

David Greentree went to work to “learn” throughout his career. A principle he pursues with a passion. For many years he was considered  a “maverick” developing systems and tools to help workers be happy in their job role. And importantly providing a way to recognise and value skills and performance developed in the workplace. Valuable lesson have been learnt along the way.

In simple terms performance skills utilisation provides the vital link between skills aquisition and productivity. Governments and business are starting to understand that workers and their skills hold the key to achieving business success. The problem is they do so without realising that they cannot continue doing the same things and expect a different result. 

​In response MYSKILLSmanager is a totally new “system design” that enables people to make evidence based business decisions. In doing so transform from one of dependency on other people’s ideas to be in a position of understanding and controlling how they develop, manage and profit from improved workforce performance including WHS compliance, managing quality processes and company risk.

​During our system development we have had people say we are only a small business therefore we do not need a big business system. Our framework tracks, values and communicates the performance skills of every person regardless of company size. It is designed for any size business.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”
Albert Einstein
