- an employer of choice.
- In control of your income generating activities and profitability.
- known as providing industry leadership by WHS compliance regulators.
- recognised as a centre of excellence
- as a result of having your Workplace Performance Academy.
- a valued contributor to providing transparency and leadership enabling
- meaningful future work connections with students, parents and communities.

It is safe on the other side.
When you commit the world of work will look a whole lot different.
Your people will be waiting for you to demonstrate worker led leadership.
Designed for the 21st Century
We Have Achieved the Impossible!
With the Release of Our Integrated Safety, Quality and Qualifications (ISQ2) Framework.

The World Needs the Integration of Safety, Quality and Qualifications Because the Siloed Approach is Stifling Innovation.
How: Each of the silo’s, have people and processes that align with the skills and understanding of the known “Status Quo Leaders” within each silo of influence. This is why people, businesses and governments are Troubled, Confused and Feeling Powerless.
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them” Albert Einstein
Businesses must change how they manage and share evidence of the delivery of their products and services.
Being quality “Certified” does not address the future risks to a company. Your customers and clients will need transparency of your practices and processes.
There is currently multiple vortexes created by:
- Status Quo (tick & flick)
- Safety differently examples
- ISO certification
Each model is constantly spinning at increasing speed to defend or attract people to their respective movements.
There is no clear pathway for the future.
More than 80% of learning takes place in the workplace. Employers can always teach new entrants or current employees, but they are encouraged not to do so by the belief that the current VET system will provide them. Clearly it will not. So, it is up to employers now. Dr Philip Rutherford.
MYSKILLSmanager Integration Solutions
Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot make the changes.
Human intelligence (HI) can.

The brain is like a group of experts. All the parts of the brain work together, but each part has its own special responsibilities.
Integrated Safety, Quality and Qualifications (ISQ2) Framework

The Outcome of Learning in The Workplace - Can Be Valued

Workplace Learning
People learn on the job however there is no method for companies and organisations to document, communicate and reward performances that match job expectations. This brings about discontentment and low levels of workforce engagement in workplaces.
Attending Educational institutions, seeking training opportunities or attending training courses is a small contributor to life learning and productivity of the Australian Workforce.
Adult learning: Adults want to know why they should learn. Adults are motivated to put time and energy into learning if they know the benefits of learning and the costs of not. Malcolm S Knowles.
The answer is to link learning to Job Performance Expectations, not a training courses.
Skills Utilisation in the Context of the Workplace
Just like any other resources the possession of skills does not provide any benefits unless put to use. Experience, education and training can enable the acquisition of skills if any value is to be added. Hence skills utilisation is important to many different stakeholders.
It is important to government because of the impact on the economy and the perceived need to demonstrate a return on investment in education and training. Skills utilisation forms the vital link between skills acquisition and productivity.
In much the same way, employers and individual employees have an interest in achieving impact through skills utilisation and a return on investment in developing them. It is the ways in which firms use their skills that make them competitive, rather than simply the skills that they have available.
In most cases it is not known how and when demonstrated skills where acquired.
Need evidence of workplace performance.

Establish a Workplace Job Performance Academy.
There is now is an alternative model to address the current problematic education and training systems.
At MYSKILLSmanager, we believe that people need to be recognised for performing their job role to expectations. The way to do this is to create an environment for people to engaged and empowered.
Using our systems tools and processes, we work with you to develop workplace learning and performance management capabilities as a bi-product of employee engagement. Our strategies meet the goal and aspirations of both the employee and business , resulting in an engaged and empowered workforce, delivering improved performance and productivity.
With over 45 years in workplace performance systems and job learning we have help empower many workplaces with the skills, knowledge and confidence to deliver quality work.
The importance of soft skills.
Given the importance of soft skills in improving business performance, we need to focus more on soft skills and continue to build the evidence base. Part of this is about comprehensively and objectively measuring attainment of soft skills in Australia.
This is important with $4 billion per year spent on training and $7 billion spent on recruitment each year by business. This total of $11 billion in annual expenditure on business training and recruitment could be spent more effectively if employers could better assess soft skills, and if candidates and employees could track their own development.
Objectively measuring soft skills would allow businesses to identify gaps in their organisation and make strategic decisions about how to invest effectively in building our capabilities in years to come.
Measuring soft skills performance requires a matrix and digital systems & tools

People make their own choices of what game they want to play

We have created the game rules for every type of “Job”.
The Game of Work
We have put the people (players) of the “game of work” up front and centre. Just like any other game that is played the people do so because they know the rules of the games and they can commit to playing the game (job). The players can establish the level of performance they want to achieve (in our game it is the job) and determine how much effort they want to spend in reaching their goals.
Work is like Golf
The game of golf is an example how people can decide the level they want to play or importantly decide if they want to develop their capability to improve to another level (our level example is another job role). The transparency and respect of all players with the game of golf has been tested over time.
Golfers self-manage their performance including playing within the rules.
Our Workforce Integration Solutions Framework Enables Gamification in the workplace.
The importance of soft skills.
Gamification is a technique which designers use to insert gameplay elements in non-gaming settings, so they enhance user engagement with a product or service. By weaving suitably fun features such as leader boards and badges into an existing system, designers tap users’ intrinsic motivations, so they enjoy using it more.

Gamifying Job Performance motivates people to start “playing their game and to keep interested” by knowing that they are being recognised for their growth in the job performance, incrementally.
Measuring soft skills performance requires a matrix and the digital systems & tools
Quality at a Glance
MYSKILLmanager Design Model Quality 4.0

People make their own choices of what game they want to play

Companies must also manage changes across the enterprise and foster a culture in which all employees take ownership of quality.
Quality 4.0
The application of Industry 4.0’s digital technologies to quality management— has an important role to play in the factory of the future. Its many benefits include real-time process monitoring and data collection, and analytics-supported predictive maintenance.
The Status of Adoption
Participants in a BCG global survey recognize that Quality 4.0 is important at all stages of the value chain, but few of them have launched a program to implement. Notably, participants regard soft skills (such as change management and communication) as being the ones most critical for success.
The Winning Moves
To implement Quality 4.0, companies need a structured approach that includes prioritizing use cases to resolve critical pain points, defining a clear vision and roadmap, establishing technology and data enablers, and closing skills gaps.
Safety at a Glance. Engage and Empower!

Workplace Qualifications at a Glance.
Engage and Empower!
People make their own choices of the game they want to play

The problem is traditional systems and approaches need to be improved however they cannot produce the change required because they are not directly connected to the employee job expectations in a workplace.

We make it easy with our implementation "Algorithm" rules.
There now is an alternative, tried and tested model to address the skills shortages and hugely problematic education and training systems. Our model is designed for the workplace. Just like any other resource the possession of skills does not provide any benefits until put to use. Skills utilization must be managed. We know this based on 45 years of developing and implementing quality and performance management business systems designed for the workplace. The latest technology enables good design. Technology and quality design makes it easy to get result. People should not be protecting “Status Quo” rather the time is right to say how can I be part of THE TRANSFORMATION.
Any company can issue workplace qualification to their workers. The integrity of Workplace Qualifications is the verification of individual work standards and the measurement of performance skill levels allocated to the job role.
Leadership at a Glance. Worker Led!
Using MYSKILLSmanager we can help you implement worker led Leadership.
You may ask what is that?
The purpose of being a Worker Led Leader is to initially engage workers and then empower them to Self-Manage their Job performance (expectations).
Having job designed (using our tools) to transparently communicate expectations opens up the opportunity to park the traditional leadership mechanics (management) in favour of focussing on worker and workforce team performance improvement.

People at sea feel safe and they know they can get on with their job!
Performance based recruitment
Explain job expectations
Emotional free performance reviews
Self managed performance
WHS compliance
Take control Show confidence
Integrated quality management
Show how you deliver
WInning contracts (quality systems)
Be the talk of the town
Project communication
Share information
Student and Apprentices
more Learn how to work
Workplace learning and development
No tests or assessments, just conversations