Manage Project Efficiency - Focus on Your Project Communication
We help any size business maximise project efficiency by implementing real time project communication using paperless tools on mobile devices saving time, money and stress.

Know the problem
For many years company’s and industry’s have been managing projects without:
– knowing the skills DNA of their project team
– engaging people in conversations and
– being unaware of the importance of evidence required to build confidence regarding the delivery of quality products and services.
Project Management is Communication
Any project large or small requires planning processes to be put in place to ensure the project delivers the intended outcomes. To fail to plan is to plan to fail. It has come to our attention that the importance of enagaging with contractors, workers, customers and other stakeholders is not considered in the planning process and is generally left to chance.
We have develop a framework and specilasts tools to simplify project communication imlementation. How, when and who needs to be considered during the planning process and precise instructions provided to all project workers about what is expected before commencing work. All of these activities need to be reinforced at appropriate intervals and in meetings during the project life cycle.
. All project team members must be responsible for their contribution towards ensuring that project communications are well respected and sustained. A key contributing factor is the systemised framework and tools used by workers to record and share appropriate evidence of completed tasks, report issues or seek advice. The reason for the success of our communication systems is our tools enable ongoing open conversations.
Capturing & Sharing Evidence - The Key to Effective Project Communication
Culture and Employee Engagement.
A recent Deloitte Webinar mentioned that companies are struggling the most with culture and engagement amongst other important trends. Leaders place a lot of focus on bottom lines, key performance indicators (KPIs), generating customers leads, building SMART goals and so on. My question for every leader out there is this: are you putting equal effort into building a healthy company culture so that employees, and as a result, your organisation, can thrive
Communication is one of the single most under-rated skills in the workforce. Members from across an organisation should feel comfortable talking with one another – there shouldn’t be any ‘surprises’ because everyone needs to be on the same page and working together. The ideal workplace encourages constructive, honest and open conversation between team members. That means no one is afraid of anyone else or apprehensive about saying what needs to be said. Fear among staff simply isn’t healthy and won’t help your organisation to meet and exceed its short and long-term goals.
You may not be able to physically see or touch company culture but you can definitely feel it (Deborah Wilson).
Project communication is where the rubber hits the road.
We can help.
Contact our specialists to learn more.